Rp 2.160.000
Work positioning seat harness
- Wide, semi-rigid waistbelt for excellent support
- Waistbelt and suspension seat lined with breathable perforated foam for maximum comfort when suspended
- The ventral attachment point distributes the weight more evenly between the waistbelt and the leg loops during suspended work
- The two lateral attachment points transfer the weight evenly around the waistbelt for comfort when leaning back in the belt (when feet are supported)
- The rear attachment point on the waistbelt allows connection of a restraint lanyard or a TOP chest harness, transforming the harness into a fall arrest harness
- Three equipment loops with protective sheath
- Slots for CARITOOL tool holder
- Waistbelt equipped with self-locking DoubleBack buckles
- Available with leg loops equipped with self-locking DoubleBack buckles or FAST automatic buckles for quick and easy opening and closing without the need to readjust them
- Also available in a black version and in models certified to European standards, or North American and European standards
Attachment point(s): ventral, lateral
Size 0
Weight: 1190 g
Waist belt: 60 - 100 cm
Leg loop: 45 - 57 cm
Weight: 1190 g
Waist belt: 60 - 100 cm
Leg loop: 45 - 57 cm
Size 1
Weight: 1190 g
Waist belt: 70 - 120 cm
Leg loop: 50 - 65 cm
Weight: 1190 g
Waist belt: 70 - 120 cm
Leg loop: 50 - 65 cm
Size 2
Weight: 1300 g
Waist belt: 80 - 140 cm
Leg loop: 60 - 75 cm
Weight: 1300 g
Waist belt: 80 - 140 cm
Leg loop: 60 - 75 cm
European versions:
C79000 1, C79000 2 (DoubleBack)
C790F0 0, C790F0 1, C790F0 2 (FAST)
C790FN 1, C790FN 2 (FAST black)
C79000 1, C79000 2 (DoubleBack)
C790F0 0, C790F0 1, C790F0 2 (FAST)
C790FN 1, C790FN 2 (FAST black)
CE EN 358, CE EN 813
Made in: RO
CE EN 358, CE EN 813
Made in: RO
International versions:
C79000 1A, C79000 2A (DoubleBack)
C790F0 1A, C790F0 2A (FAST)
C790FN 1A, C790FN 2A (FAST black)
C79000 1A, C79000 2A (DoubleBack)
C790F0 1A, C790F0 2A (FAST)
C790FN 1A, C790FN 2A (FAST black)
NFPA 1983 Class III
Made in: FR
NFPA 1983 Class III
Made in: FR
Cara Pemesanan & Pembayaran:
1. Cek stok via SMS (0813 6767 4707) atau via on line, ketik:
produk/ukuran/warna & lokasi anda (contoh: Baju Kaos The North Face/
L / hitam / jakarta).
2. Kami akan mengkonfirmasi ketersediaan stok & total jumlah yang harus ditransfer + ongkos kirim.
3. Transfer ke Bank BCA 021 266 8191 atas nama Ruli Amrullah.
4. Konfirmasi via SMS setelah transfer, ketik: nama, alamat lengkap, produk yang diorder, jumlah yang di transfer.
Barang pesanan akan kami kirim ke alamat tujuan via kurir (JNE/ ESL/ PT. Pos Indonesia/ TIKI/ Pandu
Siwi Logistic), setelah pembayaran masuk ke rekening kami.
6. Barang di kirim paling lambat jam 19.00 WIB. (insya Allah)
7. Alamat kami:
Jln. R. E. Martadinata Komplek PHDM XII No.88 Rt.003 Rw.001 Kalidoni Palembang 30118.
8. Harga yang tertera pada setiap barang belum termasuk ongkos kirim dari kota Palembang.
9. Barang yang sudah dibeli/ terkirim tidak dapat dikembalikan/ ditukar.
selamat berbelanja! :)
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